
I seek to professionally lead, challenge and be challenged in a tech lead position. Analyze and improve code, systems and performance. Develop new programs, products and relationships.


Staff software engineer for the BLADE system

2022 - 2024
  • Responsible for the design, development, and maintenance of several core key components of the BLADE system.
  • Collaborated closely with the data science team to bring a machine learning model into production, aimed at protecting Intuit’s APIs against malicious intentions from both security and fraud perspectives.
  • Played a crucial role in the successful deployment of the machine learning model, which at its peak handled almost 1 million transactions per second (TPS) while demonstrating impressive performance results.
  • Utilized expertise in Apache Flink to develop a high-performance, scalable, and secure software solution.
  • Participated in code reviews, ensuring adherence to best practices and maintaining code quality standards.
  • Mentored junior developers, providing guidance and fostering their professional growth.

Senior software engineer for the RCS system

2020 - 2022
  • Played a key role in the redesign, architecture, development, and maintenance of the Risk Control System (RCS).
  • Spearheaded the migration from a legacy batch processing infrastructure, which was prone to crashes and lacked code quality, to a modern, highly available, and maintainable system based on a Java Spring microservices architecture.
  • Collaborated with cross-functional teams to gather requirements, design system architecture, and implement robust solutions.

Senior software engineer for the ‘Cloud Policy Connector’ system

2018 - 2020
Cisco, Netanya

Design, Development and Integration of a cloud-based Java spring system that aims to extend the capabilities of the Cisco ISE system into the cloud domain. Key responsibilities include:

  • Full ownership of migrating the existing product runtime into the AWS ECS platform
  • Integration of peripheral services to their AWS counterparts (e.g. Cognito, RDS, etc.)
  • Development and maintenance of three layers of testing (UT, FT, ST) using Python 3
  • Integration with offsite international dev/PO/PM teams for co-development of features, tests, pipeline and bugs handling
  • Development of the back-office User management and Analytics system
  • Responsible for ramping up of new engineers into the scrum

Senior software engineer for the ‘NetBeat’ system

2016 - 2018
Netafim, Petah tikva (In collaboration with mPrest systems)

Design, Development and Integration, from scratch, of a cloud-based Java spring system that aims to give global farmers command and control of their fields and crops

  • Developing peripheral tools for the main app such as: Watch dog and a math crop model
  • Testing, initiating and teaching new technologies to the team such as: FOTA, DB Sync & migrations, AOP, etc.
  • Creating a CI/CD infrastructure on Microsoft’s Team services
  • Improving performance and stability of the system deployed over Apache Tomcat servers
  • Reviewing of code, features, quality and status as a liaison from Netafim

Senior software engineer for the ‘iD Platform’ and ‘CancerConnect’ applications

2016 - 2016
NantMobile (Out of business)

Development, maintenance and debugging for the backend of a TV, picture and voice recognition API

  • Developing REST web services with RestEasy and Undertow
  • Creating unit and integration tests (BDD) using Cucumber
  • Continuous development and integration using Jenkins
  • Developing atop Amazon Web Service’s core functionalities such as EC2, S3 and DynamoDB

Senior project manager of the ‘Regional Meteorology’ system

2015 - 2016

Project manager and developer of the ‘Sky solver’ system

2013 - 2015

Team leader and developer of the ‘TORC2H’ system

2012 - 2013

Skills & Proficiency

Java & Spring


Apache Spark



Apache Flink

Docker & kubernetes

C# & .Net
